2024 Property Tax Due Date and Payment Information
Tax payments are due in the town office before 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 10, 2024. Late payments are subject to a penalty of 8% and interest charges.
Payments delivered by USPS or carrier service such as Fed Ex will be considered timely if postmarked or carrier receipted on or before October 10, 2024.
The mailing address is:
Treasurer, Town of West Fairlee
870 RTE 113
West Fairlee, Vermont 05083
You can also pay your tax bill in the town office:
Hours for the treasurer are, Wednesday and Thursday 1:00 PM to 4:00PM.
There is also a secure lockbox by the door of the Town Office where tax payments can be deposited at any time if the office is closed.
Include only the bottom portion of the bill with your payment. You will need to keep the top portion of the bill to complete your Homestead Declaration which you file with your Vermont State Income Tax Return by April of 2025.
If your mortgage company is going to make your tax payment, you may need to forward them a copy of the bill. Although most companies communicate directly with this office to determine the tax payment due.
Please call: 1-802-333-9696 Ext 6 or email: wfairleetreasurer@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to discuss payment of your bill.
Joe MacPherson, Treasurer