Services & Fees


 Animal Licensing

Dogs, Wolf Hybrids, and Ferrets, according with Title 20 s3581, over 6 months of age must be registered by April 1. A copy of current rabies vaccine and spay/neutering (if applicable) must be presented at time of licensing.  Please remember to check rabies expiration date in order to allow yourself time to get your animal re-vaccinated if necessary before the deadline.  New residents have 90 days to register animals before penalties apply.


  • Neutered/Spayed - $9.00
  • Unneutered/Unspayed - $13.00

Fees after April 1, including the $25 late penalty:

  • Neutered/ Spayed - $33.00
  • Unneutered/Unspayed - $38.00

You must bring a copy of the current rabies certificate for each dog. Please remember to check rabies expiration date in order to allow yourself time to get your animal re-vaccinated if necessary before the deadline.

You can license your dog by mail, please include the following information:

  • Current rabies certificate for each dog, self addressed, stamped ($0.96) return envelope, check made payable to the Town of West Fairlee in the amount of $9 for a spayed/neutered dog (per dog) or $13 for a unspayed/unneutered dog (per dog).  If you are licensing a new dog, you must also include the spayed/neutered certificate.
  • This information must be received in my office on or before April 1st., post marks are not accepted. 

 Civil Union / Marriage Licenses

  • License application - $60.00
  • Certified copy - $10.00

 Excess Weight Permits

  • Single - $5.00
  • Fleet - $10.00

 Land Records

  • Copies - $1.00 per page
  • Recording Fees:
    • $15.00 per page (Deeds, Mortgages, Discharges, Mobile Home Bill of Sales)
    • $15.00 total for Property Transfer Returns
    • $25.00 Mylar Surveys

 Notary Services

Available at no charge, some restrictions may apply.

 Trash Ticket Sales - Hartford, VT

We do sell permits and trash coupons for the Hartford Recycling Center during regular town office hours. $30.00 per permit, $49.50 for a 10-punch card (10 bags of trash).

 Vital Records

  • Informational Copies - $1.00
  • Certified Copies - $10.00
  • Obtained at town office or by written request including details of the event you're requesting (names, date of birth or marriage, etc.) for $9.50 per copy.

 Voter Registration

Register at town office up to 5 days before an election or Town Meeting, Must be registered to vote at Town Meeting.