Emergency Preparedness & Safety

ALL Emergencies Dial 911

  Vermont Alert

Signing up for Vermont Alert allows you to stay informed of weather conditions, emergency declarations, public health notifications, and countless other alerts that could affect you and your family.  Vermont Alert is a free service. It allows the public to sign up and receive notifications issued by state and local responders and other agencies through a text, e-mail, telephone, or even a game console. Users choose the area, types of alerts they wish to receive, and which delivery systems they prefer.

 VT Citizen Assistance Registry in case of Emergency (CARE)

For elders or persons with medical needs or disabilities, a natural disaster or prolonged power outage can become life-threatening.  Signing up for CARE is a way for emergency responders to identify and aid CARE registrants in the event of a wide-scale emergency.  You can register on-line (or download a form) at e911.vermont.gov/care and provide information about your level of mobility, medical equipment, use of oxygen or other details.  Forms are entered into the Enhanced 911 database for use by First Responders during an emergency event.

 Upper Valley Special Needs Information Program

West Fairlee's 911 dispatch center in Hanover offers the Special Needs Information Program (SNIP), a voluntary program to alert emergency responders about family members with special needs. The program identifies persons with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia. mental health issues, PTSD, autism, and Down Syndrome.  Without context, some behaviors can be misinterpreted as aggression or non-compliance; the information helps assure that potential interactions are safer for all involved.

West Fairlee residents may register a family member for the SNIP through the Special Needs Support Center website; or by calling 603-448-6311. The information is confidential and is only used by first responders in the event of an emergency.

 Vermont 211

Vermont 211, long a general resource clearinghouse for Vermonters, will now provide and collect disaster relief information in collaboration with Vermont Emergency Management.

During the First Response phase of a weather emergency or natural disaster, police, fire and rescue organizations are providing services and life-threatening emergency calls should go to 911.  211 will field non-911 calls, offer information to the public about relief services, such as shelter and food, and (in the event of a State- or Federally-declared disaster) can collect information about individual property damages.

 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

The purpose of this Plan is to assist the Town of West Fairlee in identifying all hazards facing the town, ranking them according to local vulnerabilities, and identifying strategies to reduce risks from hazards of highest concern. Implementation of this plan will make our community more resistant to harm and damages in the future and will reduce public costs.

 West Fairlee Volunteer Fire Department

  • Cory Austin, Chief (802) 333-3619
  • John Jeinnings, Deputy Chief
  • Will Ordway, Engineer
  • Zach McNeal, Captain  (802) 272-0539
  • Nate Guyer (802)359-2599
  • Lisa Ordway,  (802) 333-9990

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 Upper Valley Ambulance

5445 Lake Morey Road, Fairlee, VT 05045
Alan Beebe, Executive Director (802) 333-4043

Upper Valley Ambulance services the Vermont towns of West Fairlee, Fairlee, Thetford, Vershire, Corinth, and Strafford; as well as Orford and Piermont, New Hampshire

 West Fairlee E911 Coordinator

The Municipal E911 Coordinator is a liaison to VT E911 and assures local maps and databases are up to date with the most accurate locatable information possible.  In medical emergencies, shorter response improves your chances of surviving a life-threatening event or injury; and fast response can prevent millions of dollars of property damages due to fire.

Contact: Peggy Burden, WestFairleeE911@gmail.com

 Vermont Game Warden

The Warden assigned to our area is:

Jeff Whipple

Home:  802-685-7813
Dispatch:  802-234-9933

 Town Fire Warden

Will Ordway



Town forest fire wardens are responsible for the issuance of burning permits in their town. Permission to burn is granted only when the town fire warden issues a “Permit to Kindle Fire”. When a statewide ban on issuing permits is in effect, no permits may be issued. It is recommended to restrict or prohibit burning during times of elevated fire danger. 

A person is not required to have a permit for a campfire of "natural wood" (unpainted/untreated wood) on their own land provided that the fire is contained in a fire ring and not located within woodland, timberland, or a field containing dry grass or other flammable plant material contiguous to woodland.

 West Fairlee Health Officer

The Health Officer investigates conditions that may be a public health hazard, takes steps necessary to enforce all health orders, and reports to the Vermont Department of Health.