Other Helpful Resources


  Capstone Community Action

Capstone Community Action helps Vermonters achieve economic sufficiency with dignity through individual and family development. We work to alleviate the effects of poverty, help people move out of poverty, and advocate for economic justice.

 Central VT Council on Aging

 Clara Martin Center

 Orange County Parent Child Center

  Orange County Restorative Justice

Orange County Restorative Justice Center is a community-based restorative justice agency, offering cost-effective alternatives to the Family, Criminal, Civil Courts and the State corrections system.

 Orange East Senior Center

Meals served Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon (check schedule). Suggested donations are $4.00 for those 65 and older; and $6.00 for those under 65 -- YES, all ages are welcome! Many additional services & programs!

Questions? To check schedule, menu, or have meals delivered to your home contact Vicky (802) 222-4782 or vchaffeeoesc@yahoo.com

Location: 176 Waits River Road, Bradford -- first left turn after Farmway (A veterinary office is in the front of the building; the Senior Center has a side-entrance with plenty of parking.)


Safeline provides free and confidential services for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and stalking in Orange County and northern Windsor County.

  Tri-Valley Transit

Tri-Valley Transit’s Shuttle Bus Systems and Free Dial-A-Ride Program enable community members to maintain their independence, gain and keep employment and access critical healthcare and quality-of-life services.

 Visiting Nurse Alliance & Hospice

 VT Center for Independent Living

 Vermont Fish & Wildlife