Since You Asked: Road Prep For Extreme Weather

Someone called Wednesday morning to "report" the road crew working in the rain on a culvert intake and deemed it unnecessary and counterproductive. On the contrary, these are essential, preventive, and cost-effective practices in advance of the severe weather that was forecasted for our area. Immediately before and sometimes during an extreme weather event, our road contractor Jonathan Blake and his crew fan out across town to check vulnerable areas and culverts to assure they're wide-open and ready to handle the run-off.

You may have also seen Alan Rowell scooting around the gravel roads dropping his grader blade on the road edge every few hundred feet. These mini water bars help guide water quickly and safely into the ditch before it builds into a uncontrolled torrent and washes out the road.

Not all storm damage can be averted; but these preventive practices used before Storm Irene, before last year's July flooding event, and before yesterday's storm definitely help mitigate the damage and repair expense sustained by the Town.

While under a different chain of command, the West Fairlee Volunteer Fire Department also moves to a heightened alert status in advance of extreme weather. They are active throughout these events identifying hazards and threats to the public and property. If heavy equipment is required, the Fire Department is able to communicate directly with our highway crew by emergency radio.

The Selectboard welcomes your questions about emergency preparedness at any time! Additional information may be found on the Preparedness and Safety page: /prepare-safety