Public Hearing on Flood Hazard Area Ordinance

The proposed draft covers the FEMA mapped flood hazard areas. The purpose of this hearing is to take comments from the public on the draft ordinance so that the Planning Commission can consider these as it makes its final revisions, prior to sending to the Selectboard. The Selectboard will hold its own hearing on a separate date.

The proposed ordinance will replace the current ordinance in its entirety. The ordinance is meant to further the purposes of the Town Plan and 24 VSA section 4302, and incorporates higher standards that exceed NFIP minimum requirements and better protect life and property from risk of flood.

Copies of the draft ordinance can be found at the Town Clerk’s office during business hours or on the town website at Comments may also be mailed to the attention of the Planning Commission at

General Sections of the proposed Regulations are:

· I. Statutory Authorization and Effect

·II. Purpose

· III. Summary Table: Development Review in Hazard Areas

· IV. Flood Hazard Area Protection

· V. Other Provisions

· VI. Administration

· VII. Definitions