Cemetery Commission
There are eight cemeteries in the Town of West Fairlee, each steeped in the rich history of our town. The largest cemetery is located in West Fairlee Village. The oldest stone, dated 1790, rests in the Center Cemetery.
The seven other cemeteries that dot the countryside around the village are smaller. The Bloodbrook, Kidderhood, Krook, Middlebrook, Scruton Hill, West Fairlee Center and Wild Hill cemeteries all add to the history of this area.
The Cemetery Commission is responsible for administering and maintaining these cemeteries.
Cemetery Commission ByLaws
Annual Report for Calendar Year 2023
The Cemetery Commission had one plot purchased this year in the Bloodbrook Cemetery, along with an inurnment. The commissioners have also installed two sets of cornerstones, one in the Middlebrook Cemetery, and one in the Bloodbrook Cemetery. There was also a new headstone erected in the Center Cemetery on an existing plot to commemorate a family member. We received 2 donations totaling $150.00 from generous donors. We greatly appreciate these donations and use the funds to keep our lovely cemeteries looking as good as possible for the ages of these cemeteries. (tap headline to continue reading)